Hans Christian Vergara

Cuban artist

Facies Conservatory

The Facies Conservatory, is an artistic project born from the encounter between Hans Vergara, Peggy Bonnet Vergara, art historian and the Costa Rican artist Jaime Umana, which involves the creation, through molding technic, of a collection of faces from around the world and whose first step concern the Oceanian islanders.
Collecting a range of facies reflecting the ethnic diversity of the local population and retaining features of both special and unique and artistically, without any morphological, sexual or racial discrimination or any violation of human dignity, are the goals of that Conservatory.
On the occasion of the 4th Melanesian Arts Festival held in September 2010, the Facies Conservatory© garnered over than an hundred of people facies from different backgrounds: Melanesians, Pacific Islanders, Europeans ... That facies constitute the "raw material " of the works presented here.